Suppose we have auditorium with dimensions 5m by 5m by 3 m, there are:
one wall window (with dimensions 5m by 5m)
heating system with on-off controller, which holds the temperatire 20 °C ± 2 °C by switching on and off electric radiatior with 1 kW (turn off at temperature +22 °C and turn on at temperature +18 °C)
ventilation, which changes 1 air volume during 1 hour by outdoor air. Air heat capacity 0,718 kJ/(kg∙K) and air density 1,19 kg/m3. Outdoor temperature +10 °C
Consider that air in the room is mixed uniformly and heat flow through walls, floor and ceiling is empty.
The general scheme for modeling such simulation is presented in turnOffHeaterAtNightRoomT1Ventilation.syn.
The simulation results are presented on the following figures.
The heating works all the time, the room is empty.
The heating is turned off at night, the room is empty.