Schedulers are required for setting up values of the components, which depend on time. For example, it can be temperature set point or schedule for heater and/or ventilation. Currently there are only three schedulers, which are able to control some variable in time for 24h. In future, it is possible to implement other components for week period or a year.
Scheduler24hConstant has only one property, such as setPoint (default value=21), which can be used for setting up any value. In case of Scheduler24hConstant, the value does not change in time.
scheduler24hConstant.syn contains the simulation scheme.
As a result of simulation we have constant function.
Scheduler24hStep has several properties: two for setting up time interval: nightBegin (default value=22, meaning 22.00), nightEnd (default value 6, meaning 6.00) and two for setting up set up values: setPointDay (default value=21), setPointNight (default value=18). This component is used together with Clock. So, as input we have signal from Clock. In case of Scheduler24hStep, the value changes over the time so that we have setPointNight value for night period and setPointDay for day period.
.scheduler24hStep.syn contains the simulation scheme.
As a result of simulation we have step function.
Scheduler24hSin has two properties for setting up interval of the value: min (default value=-10) and max (default value=30) and one parameter for setting up time point maxTime (default value=14, meaning 14.00), where maximal value of function is reached. This component is used together with Clock. So, as input we have signal from Clock. In case of Scheduler24hSin, the value changes over the time so that the max value is reached at maxTime.
scheduler24hSin.syn contains the simulation scheme.
As a result of simulation we have sinusoid function.