Mealy state chart inputs and outputs

Typically a Mealy machine uses some variables (variables that are referred to in the conditional expressions and actions of transitions). These variables have to be declared. In addition the variables that are going to be bound through the ports (input and output connections to the external world) have to be defined as inputs and/or outputs.

In order to declare the variables and define the inputs and outputs open the editor from Scheme>Extend... and enter something similar to the following:

Use the following lines as an example:

// Variables declaration
double in1, memory, out1, out2;
// Input - output definition
inputs = [in1];
outputs = [out1, out2];
outputNames = "out1, out2";

NB! The variable list in outputs and outputNames must be identical!

inputs, outputs and outputNames are predefined, so you do not need to specify their type.

Next: Create a new Scheme Object from a diagram