Creating a Mealy state chart

A Mealy state chart in the current implementation should always have one Initial State and one MealyMachineSupervisor block. The latter must be set as super from the right-mouse-click menu.

Introduce as many States as needed and name them properly (name field is accessible from Properties window, which can be opened with a double-mouse-click or a right-mouse-click>Properties).

Introduce the Transitions between the states and define their conditional expressions and actions (again through the Properties window). The condition and action must be entered conforming Javascript syntax. An action is executed when the Transition's condition expression is evaluating to true and the Transition is used.

There should be exactly one Transition leaving the Initial State. The conditional expression of that Transition is ignored - it is advised to leave it empty. The action is executed before the simulation starts and is meant to be used for some initial evaluation to the variables used in the machine. The input variables cannot be accessed there.

You can always leave the Transition condition field empty - this is treated as an expression "true". Similarly you can leave empty the action field, which is treated as no action.

At every execution (state->nextstate computation handled by the Simulation Engine) up-to one Transition exiting the current state is used. If there are several Transitions whose conditional expressions evaluate to true the one having least order field value is selected. An empty order is equated to 0.

When a Mealy machine reaches a Final State - no action is further executed.

Next: Mealy state chart inputs and outputs